Am I Where I Want To Be?

Happy Friday,

I do realize it is only Thursday night, but Friday is just a few hours away so I figured it was ok to say that.  

Something that has been on mind a lot lately, is the title to this blog.  I see a lot of people in my Avon business.  A lot of customers, a lot of representatives and a lot of Friends.  But one thing I have noticed a lot lately is that so many of the people I talk to are not really happy where they are.

Now that is not always a bad thing in my opinion.  If you are not happy, many times it gives you the drive to change your life, your job, or whatever it is that is keeping you from being happy.

Unfortunately a lot of what I see and hear is just the opposite.  Our scramble to make ends meet is often keeping people in places they don’t really want to be.  And while this is usually necessary maybe they are overlooking possibilities because they are stuck in a routine. Or maybe they are scared to take a leap of faith to do what they really want to do.  Or, maybe they don’t know what they want to do and they HAVE to pay the bills.  I definitely agree that you can’t just stop paying the bills.

I’m sure that there are a lot of people who think I go overboard on goal setting, planning and all the stuff that goes into it.  And sometimes I, too, get discouraged when my plans don’t work out the way I want them to.  But if I didn’t have my plans and my goals, my life would be running itself instead of my being in control of my life.

Anything that you want to do (within reason – obviously I will never be a brain surgeon) is within your power if you really want to do it.  But sometimes you have to think about Am I REALLY where I want to be? If not, then start considering your options and formulatting a plan.  I have a friend who desperately wants to change where she works but for some reason she can’t seem to take that final leap and make the change.

In Avon, and in many Home Based Businesses, you don’t have to be anywhere you don’t want to be.  A conference call I was on this morning really took that point home.  We had a ton of people on the call ranging from brand new Reps to seasoned Senior Reps.  The thing that was pointed out constantly, was that the difference between them was just time and motivation.  Everything in our business is a matter of deciding where you want to be and making your plans and using all resources to get there.  That certainly doesn’t mean you aren’t going to run into some roadblocks on the way.  But that detour sign is just that – A Detour.  Another way to get where you are going.  

Life is too short not to grab that brass ring.  So what is holding you back?  Avon’s big season is upon us, so now the time to sell, share, & show and make your business take you to where you want to be.

I am hoping next week to talk a lot more about increasing your sales and recruiting so I hope it will be some help. Also,  Amy is working on making this blog so that you can comment or ask questions and I am really looking forward to that. I love getting input about the blog or the website and I am always up for suggestions on things to talk about or work on.  Until then, please feel free to comment in the Guestbook.

Have a Great Weekend and I will see you Monday,



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Following Directions

Let me first point out that it is Tuesday night, not Tuesday morning!  I had to get out of the office early this morning and realized that there was no way I could possibly write even a halfway intelligent word in the timeframe that I had. Unfortunately, tomorrow is looking like it is going to be much the same way.  After worrying about it all day, I realized that there is no big scary guy with a huge whip saying I have to do my blog in the early morning, and since I have a tiny bit of free time tonight – here I am.

I have been staring at three pieces of paper since last week and I must admit, everytime I looked at them I procrastinated AGAIN.  The problem was that the 90 Day Business Plan for Avon was totally intimidating!!  But I gave it a valiant effort and nothing happened.  It just didn’t seem like I could figure out what was needed in all those little bitty blank spaces.  I even called our Leadership desk and they gave me what help they could, but it wasn’t nearly enough.  Then Amy got home and I begged for her help.  She pulled it up and one of the first questions she asked was “Have you read the directions”?   Oops

Needless to say I hadn’t. Embarassed  It got me to thinking about myself and my downline and wondering how many things in our business do we do without “Reading the Directions?”  OF course, reading is not enough, you must follow them.Laughing

If you are baking a cake, you follow the directions or your cake will be soggy, sink in the middle and generally speaking a total loss.  If you change the oil in your car and don’t follow the directions,(i.e. proper filter, right amount of oil) you very possibly could kill your car.  So why then do we so blatantly not read and follow directions in building our business,  and then wonder why it isn’t working the way we expected it to.

Please don’t get me wrong, new ideas are wonderful and should ALWAYS be pursued.  But not to the exclusion of the wonderful directions we are able to get from people who have been where we are now, and who are where We want to be.  In Avon we are lucky because the company itself has wonderful resources that we can use at anytime.  Plus, conference calls with some of our wonderful Upline Leaders who have succeeded, and succeeded Very well indeed, are usually available to anyone who wants to take part.

So are you sitting back and wondering why your business doesn’t seem to be growing in the direction you want?  Is is possible that you aren’t “Reading and following the directions”?  Everyone wants to build the better mousetrap, (with the exception of Walt Disney) but while you are trying,  maybe you need to look to others for that extra guidance and direction.

I certainly don’t claim to have all the answers, but I am on a personal quest with every resource I can find.  I know what I want and I know that the only way I am going to get there is to work hard, stay motivated, be creative, and “Follow the directions.”

Have a Great Hump Day!



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Praise to Success

I am starting this morning with something that has been on my mind since Friday!  I received some very high praise Friday from someone whose opinion means a great deal to me.  I found myself thinking about it over and over for two days so I decided that it warranted writing about this morning.

I’m sure that we all give praise when someone does something “really good”.  And that is a good thing.  But, do we give praise for all the little things?  I know this may sound trivial but maybe it’s something we need to take a closer look at.  During my years with Avon (especially the early years) I was frustrated by the fact that it seemed all the attention went to the BIG producers and I got lost in the shuffle.  I was working hard, but didn’t really feel like anyone noticed.  Since then I have seen and heard that same complaint from people in my downline.

Is is possible that praising people will lead them to bigger successes? I believe it will.  I know the praise I received last week has motivated me to do even more.

One of my solutions to that was to create my Recognition Page on this website.  But, again, this is praising the larger producers.  Each and every person who places an order and pays for it has done a “good” thing.  Whether it’s big or small, it’s still an accomplishment to be proud of.  Everyone works at their own pace and their own comfort level.

I, personally, intend to start making sure that EVERYONE knows that I think they are awesome.  I am so proud of every single person in my Unit and I want them to know that.  So if I have failed to let you know, forgive me, I intend to correct that.

So think about your business or personal life and the people that could be praised to success.  Are you only acknowleging the “big” producers?  I hope you will think about this and start making sure that “no one is lost in the shuffle”,



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Awesome Conference Call!!

Happy Friday!!!

I imagine that every business these days has the dreaded “Conference Call”. Cry  Once again I have to admit that I have never been a huge fan of conference calls.  For some strange reason I have always believed that I had so many more important things to do with my time.  Wow!  What an ego trip that was.

For the last couple of months, I have been going on a conference call put on by my upline and encouraging my downline to attend this call as well.  It is a once a week call and I must say that my attitude towards these has changed dramatically.

All the talk and motivation that I am able to give, pales in comparison to what they get from this call.  While every week is great, yesterday, was phenomenal!

I usuallty try to touch bases with everyone who was on the call (from my Unit) and the enthusiasm from each person was amazing.    They were able to see the big picture and how to break it down into what they needed to do to make our business work for them.

Sometimes it takes the give and take of a conference call with new people for the information to reach someone.  Obviously not all calls are going to reap the same results, but if you give them a chance, you may be surprised at what you come away with.

If anyone in my downline is interesting in coming on these calls to help build their business, please let me know either in the comment section on the guestbook here, or you can email me at

We also have a short daily call where we discuss our goals for the week and our plans for the day to achieve those goals.  While they are daily, not everyone comes every day unless they choose to.

I know the weekly conference call next week is on the 90 day business plan and I am frantically working on mine.  This is something I have always known I should do, but because I know the call is going to be about it, I am MOTIVATED to actually get it done.  If the conference calls push me to accomplish those things that I know I need to do everyday they they are certainly worth the time spent.

Once again I have learned a valuable lesson!!  So, please take the time to join in a conference call and maybe it will help you take your business to the next level of earnings!!

Have a great week-end!



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Incentives – To Try or Not to Try!

Good Morning,

In the sales world everyone is familiar with the Incentive programs that companies put out on a regular basis.  Having been with Avon many years, I have seen a multitude of wonderful incentives put out for reps and leadership alike.

To be perfectly honest, I have never been one to pay much attention to them.  I have recently had a dramatic change of heart on this subject.  In the past I figured I was doing everything I could do and if I won something, great!   But if I didn’t,  I satisfied myself by saying “I couldn’t have done any more.”

But who I was kidding?  Yes, I was doing everything I thought I could do.  But I am the first to say that if you set a goal you are more likely to reach it, then if you are just doing your normal thing.  So why should incentives be any different?

Avon recently put out an incentives to get a Keurig K75 Brewing System.  One of my leaders had mentioned it, but as usual, I didn’t really pay much attention.  Then yesterday I talked to a woman who has done everything that I want to do and is in a position that I really want to be in.  She mentioned the incentive and while I didn’t tell her, I was slightly embarrassed that I didn’t even know what the qualifications were.

Needless to say, the first thing I did when I got back to my office was to find out, and I was amazed that the requirements were actually very doable.  Now I find myself wondering about past incentives.  Could it have been that I was one tiny step away from winning something wonderful, but because I was not tracking my progress, I didn’t make the little extra push to win?  That is a scary thought for me!

I recently sent out an email to all my downline about an incentive program that I am sponsoring and have noticed a lack of enthusiasm. Could everyone be like me and thinking, I can’t do that? Or, if I get something,  I get something?

I can assure you that I will be looking at incentives a lot differently from this point on.  Maybe all of us should do a personal gut check to see why we aren’t trying for those special prizes. Then start making that attempt to win and tracking our results.  How close have you come to winning something neat and didn’t even know it?

I hope this gives you something to think about.  It know it has for me and I am going to be touching bases with everyone in my downline to get them excited about incentives and working towards winning!

Besides, even if you do not win the prize you are SO much closer to all your other goals because of the extra effort you have put in. It is a definite win/win situation.

Have a great day,



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Personality Challenges In Leadership

For all of you that are in Leadership, I imagine you have noticed all the many different personalities of the people in your downline.  For some reason this has really been on my mind lately.  Whether it is an Avon Representative,  a Unit Leader, or a customer, the different personalities that I see on a daily basis is astounding.

Seems like a simple no brainer, everyone is different!  True enough, but how do you change your approach with each different person?  Or do you need to?  The speakers I have listened to pretty much deal out the information to everyone the same way.  But they are not working in a one-on-one situation on a daily basis.

While the information and help I want to share with each of my reps is the same, I feel the delivery MUST be adjusted to fit their personality or they will simply disregard it.

The perfectionist wants details and I have to be prepared with the exact hows and whys or I lose her.  The procrastinator, on the other hand, doesn’t need details but needs a more direct set of plans to make each day productive.  The pessimist needs the suggestions planted in such a positive way that it will overcome the automatic negative reaction. Then the dreamers need their information in such a way that they will take it from the dream stage to action. Then there are the needy reps who will try your patience to the last inch and the ones who really don’t need or want your help.

I have watched Leaders over the last few years and I have noticed that many want their people to do it THEIR way.  I admit I have been guilty of this, but I do work hard to try and fit my approach with what they need and how they need it.  Some Leaders don’t like the needy, because it takes a lot of their time that they feel could be better spent elsewhere.  They also don’t like the ones who don’t need them, maybe because they need to feel that control.  But everyone has an imporant place in the organization and it is all a part of what we do.

If I appear to be rambling here, it is because I haven’t really figured out exactly how you fit your approach to each person.  But I think it is something that as Leaders we really need to work on.

So think about the people in your organization or downline and consider their unique and wonderful personalities.  Are you giving them the help they need in a way that will make them open to receiving it?  Or are you handing it out to everyone in the same way and hoping it will take?

I know I have a lot of room for improvement and I am working hard on this.  So give it some thought and see if you have any room for improvement as well.

Happy Hump Day,



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If It’s To Be – It’s Up To Me?

The title today is a phrase I have heard for many, many years.  I can’t even remember where I heard it first.  My question is:  Is it true?  I have always believed that it was without a doubt a fact.

One of my Avon representatives recently reminded me that motivation had to come from the person, that I couldn’t motivate.  I think I beg to differ on that subject.  Not saying that I am a great motivator, far from it!  However, I listen to motivational speakers, and read motivational material and have for many years.  These people have the ability to make you want to do what you need to do.  Do you have to do it youself – absolutely!  But if someone can get you excited then they are helping to motivate!

I, personally, have relied heavily on my family and friends for support.  Could I do this without them?  Probably!  But how much harder would it be without them to lean on when times are difficult, a shoulder to cry on when things go wrong, someone to toss ideas at and know I am going to get an honest opinion, and most of all to celebrate with me when things are going well!

Then, there is the team that you are building.  How much of your success relies on other people?    If you are like me, it is great deal SmileIf I cannot inspire and motivate anyone to succeed, then where does that leave me?

The role of a mentor is also a huge factor (at least to me) in my success.  Even while we are doing everything we know to do, having a mentor behind us, urging, applauding, and showing the way keeps me going when things are good and when not so good.

I guess the point I am trying to make is that with the best work ethics in the world (which I admit I probably don’t have — but I continue to work on) we can make success happen in our lives.  But our support structure, our motivators, our mentors, our team, all play a part.

So is it up to me?  Yes!  But taking advantage of all the outside influences (obviously just the good ones) just makes sense and makes your job easier.


So have a great day, motivate yourself and let others help keep you motivated and in the words of Zig Ziglar “I will see YOU at the Top”.



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Another Manic Monday!

Good Morning,

I have always loved the song (Another Manic Monday) and I can certainly identify with it today. My to do list for this Monday is rather daunting and I have to admit I was feeling a bit negative about it while I was getting myself ready for the day. This, of course, left me wondering why lately my Monday’s always seem to be chockful of stuff to do.

While doing my normal morning chores to make sure the house and puppies are ready for the day, I came to a conclusion about the cause of this chaos.  During the week we try to stay on top of all the stuff our Avon business requires of us.  And on the week-end, we are trying to do home and family things.  I used to work a lot on week-ends and I began to resent the time away from relaxing.  So now,  while I do some work, I spend more time relaxing, refreshing, and recharging my batteries.

In our lives I think we must find a balance between work and pleasure. Starting and maintaining a new business takes a lot of work to be sure but if you burn yourself out, you have nothing.  Don’t misunderstand, you MUST put in a great of deal of work to build a business that will support you in the style you want to become accustomed to.  But, you do have to recharge your batteries at some point.  So find a balance where you are working hard to build your business and taking some time for yourself.

So for me, the Manic Monday comes from the stuff that accumulated over the week-end that didn’t have the highest priority for me to do at that time.

All that being said, Amy and I did create a new page on the web-site. It is one that I have been thinking about for a while and I am really proud of. While I am always proud of everyone in my Unit, sometimes people need and deserve recognition for what they accomplish.  So my new Recognition page will be attempting to do just that.  It is for each campaign so be sure to check and see if your name is there.  If it isn’t, you can fix that! 

Set your goals and I know your name will be showing up on the Recognition page on a regular basis.

So look at your priorities for the day, and have a GREAT Manic Monday Smile



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Your To Do List

Happy Friday!!

I hope I am going to leave you with something to think about over the week-end, other than how much fun and leisure you can cram into two days. Smile

On a weekly conference call that I am on every Thursday I was forced to take a second look at my wonderful daily To Do List.  Without my list, I tend to wander aimlessly trying to remember all those things that I needed to do.  And I must admit, I have always been pretty proud of the fact that I make this list and plan my days.

But yesterday, it was pointed out that maybe the list wasn’t really getting me where I want to be.  Maybe, just maybe, I was accomplishing “things” but not really moving forward toward my goals. This really struck a chord and I began to look at my list while still on the call.

Having goals (hopefully written down) are important but it doesn’t stop there.  You have to have a strategy on how you are going to achieve these goals.  Otherwise, they remain a dream! Whether your strategy is to gain more customers by putting out more books, or making more follow-up calls,  or more recruits by advertising and prospecting, you must have a strategy.  Once you have a strategy in place, then comes the plan.  

A 90 day plan was suggested on the call yesterday and I must admit, I do not have one.  I fully intend to remedy this immediately.  Where do I want to be in 90 days?  This is going to take a little thought and a little homework.  Because just saying where I want to be, isn’t going to get me there.  I have to take the strategy and put it into the plan.

Which brings us to the TO DO List.  Once I have a workable Plan, then each item on my to do list everyday should be aimed at making the plan go forward which of course is working the strategy which is aimed at my goals.

I realize as I read this that it sounds a little confusing but I am confident that it is definitely the way I need to be heading.  What about you?  I know you have goals (or dreams), but do you have a strategy on how to achieve them?  Do you have a plan set down on how to make that strategy work?  And of course, does your daily to do list include items that are working your plan?

Hopefully this will give you the same food for thought that it has given me.  I know for sure that one my short term goals (by Monday) is to have a my strategies and a 90 day plan written down so by Tuesday I will know that my To Do list is advancing me toward my dreams and my goals!

Have a great weekend!



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My Website

Although my website has been up for awhile, I have not really urged people to visit until very recently.  Part of the reason for that is because it is still under construction and there is much I still wish to do on here.  But we are beginning to get more guests visiting the site and I would like to tell you a little about it.

While the idea for this was mine, I cannot claim much beyond that.  While it was just an idea in my mind, I met with Amy (my daughter) and Paul (my son) to bounce all my thoughts off of their wonderful I.T. brains.

Amy took it on as a project and the entire site was written and developed by her.  She is a genius and I love what she did and continues to do with it.  For those of you who visited before, I am sure you noticed that the guestbook arrived just this week 🙂

There are many other changes that you will be seeing in the weeks and months to come.  One will be the ability for YOU to comment on the blog that I post.  I am truly looking forward to this because I would love to have some direction from you as to where my blog is and where it might need to go.

A whole new page will be initiated shortly on “Recognition”.  I am so proud of my Unit as a whole and I want to be able to recognize those people who are truly outstanding in various ways in their Avon business.  I feel everyone needs and deserves to be recognized for their hard work and this is something I hope will turn out well. (Wish me luck) Smile

If you have clicked around on this site (and I hope you will) you find some pages that are incomplete or have nothing at all.  Let me assure you that the blame for that is completely on me.  Amy’s favorite chant to me is: “Content, Content, Content”.  So, I am madly working on content for these pages and hopefully (my crazy schedule permitting) you will be seeing new things on all these wonderful pages.  

I would like to say that if you think of things that you think should be included, please let me know as soon as you are able to comment on my blog page.

So as I get ready for my day, I want to thank my son for all his input on getting the site out there and most of all I want to thank AMY for all the hard work she has put on building, maintaining, and monitoring this wonderful website.  She knows I could not have done it without her, but I wanted you, my readers and my Unit, to know as well.

Have a great Thursday (the week-end is right around the corner).



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