Do You Know What Day It Is?

Of course!   It’s Hump Day!

For those of you who noticed, I have been away for a few weeks!  I wasn’t goofing off, but was sick and now getting better!  Hopefully I will be back in full swing shortly.

So today is Hump Day!  But it more than that!  It is the first day of the rest of your life!  But, it is also the “First Day of the Rest of Your Avon Business!”  I talked with several of my business associates yesterday and I found that a certain amount of apathy had crept into their businesses.  Please don’t think I am immune to this issue, I certainly am not.  But we get so involved in the day to day workings of our life and our business that we seem lose our focus on achieving our goals and dreams in our work.  

So what is the answer?  How do we keep the enthusiasm up when life keeps getting in the way?  If you listen to motivational speakers there are a lot of different ways and surely at least one would work for you. Keeping your goals posted in a prominent place, where you are forced to look at them every day is one way.    Reviewing them at least one a week to see where you are and what needs to be done the following week is another way.

Regardless of how you do it, it is vital that you DO something! Keeping our goals fresh and in the front of our mind is the only way that we can work our dreams and make them happen.

So today, make a plan, set your goals, and figure a way to keep them fresh and you WILL succeed.

Have a wonderful day,


Tips for Selling and Recruiting Avon Online

Avon and History - 130 Years Strong

Join The Avon Team Now!

As the Leader of the Avon Rising Star Team I am always proud of the accomplishments of my team!  Since we are spread out around the United States, I keep in touch with everyone for training, motivation, and recognition by phone support, email, texting, blogs or whatever works for the individual representative.  I am available to anyone who needs me every day for most anything you need.  I welcome new representatives and you can sign up to sell Avon by clicking here. Buy Avon Online Sign up to Sell Avon Online How to Sell Avon Online  

Click here to sign up to sell Avon and begin to build your business and make your dream come true.


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