Following Directions

Let me first point out that it is Tuesday night, not Tuesday morning!  I had to get out of the office early this morning and realized that there was no way I could possibly write even a halfway intelligent word in the timeframe that I had. Unfortunately, tomorrow is looking like it is going to be much the same way.  After worrying about it all day, I realized that there is no big scary guy with a huge whip saying I have to do my blog in the early morning, and since I have a tiny bit of free time tonight – here I am.

I have been staring at three pieces of paper since last week and I must admit, everytime I looked at them I procrastinated AGAIN.  The problem was that the 90 Day Business Plan for Avon was totally intimidating!!  But I gave it a valiant effort and nothing happened.  It just didn’t seem like I could figure out what was needed in all those little bitty blank spaces.  I even called our Leadership desk and they gave me what help they could, but it wasn’t nearly enough.  Then Amy got home and I begged for her help.  She pulled it up and one of the first questions she asked was “Have you read the directions”?   Oops

Needless to say I hadn’t. Embarassed  It got me to thinking about myself and my downline and wondering how many things in our business do we do without “Reading the Directions?”  OF course, reading is not enough, you must follow them.Laughing

If you are baking a cake, you follow the directions or your cake will be soggy, sink in the middle and generally speaking a total loss.  If you change the oil in your car and don’t follow the directions,(i.e. proper filter, right amount of oil) you very possibly could kill your car.  So why then do we so blatantly not read and follow directions in building our business,  and then wonder why it isn’t working the way we expected it to.

Please don’t get me wrong, new ideas are wonderful and should ALWAYS be pursued.  But not to the exclusion of the wonderful directions we are able to get from people who have been where we are now, and who are where We want to be.  In Avon we are lucky because the company itself has wonderful resources that we can use at anytime.  Plus, conference calls with some of our wonderful Upline Leaders who have succeeded, and succeeded Very well indeed, are usually available to anyone who wants to take part.

So are you sitting back and wondering why your business doesn’t seem to be growing in the direction you want?  Is is possible that you aren’t “Reading and following the directions”?  Everyone wants to build the better mousetrap, (with the exception of Walt Disney) but while you are trying,  maybe you need to look to others for that extra guidance and direction.

I certainly don’t claim to have all the answers, but I am on a personal quest with every resource I can find.  I know what I want and I know that the only way I am going to get there is to work hard, stay motivated, be creative, and “Follow the directions.”

Have a Great Hump Day!



Tips for Selling and Recruiting Avon Online

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As the Leader of the Avon Rising Star Team I am always proud of the accomplishments of my team!  Since we are spread out around the United States, I keep in touch with everyone for training, motivation, and recognition by phone support, email, texting, blogs or whatever works for the individual representative.  I am available to anyone who needs me every day for most anything you need.  I welcome new representatives and you can sign up to sell Avon by clicking here. Buy Avon Online Sign up to Sell Avon Online How to Sell Avon Online  

Click here to sign up to sell Avon and begin to build your business and make your dream come true.


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