New Goals for your New Year


New Goals or resolutions are something everyone sets for New Year’s but setting resolutions without working them as goals rarely works.  In order to make a resolution that you can stick with you have to have it as a goal.   A goal is dream with a deadline.

So whether you want more customers, to build a team, get fit physically, or whatever your goal you need to use the SMART method.


S – Specific

M – Measurable

A – Achievable

R – Relevant

T – Time-bound 

In order to set a path to success it helps to follow these time honored and proven guidelines.

  1.  Define your goal! Be specific.  Making more money isn’t specific enough.  Increase my customers   by twice as much.  Build a team with 50 people.  Lose 10 pounds. These are specific.
  2. What do you need to reach your goals.  i.e. more books in peoples hands? more social media interaction?  Be specific
  3.  Break it down into monthly, weekly and daily goals.  What can you do each day, each week and   each month to reach your goal?
  4. Set a deadline.  I want to be at $$$$ sales by June.  I want 10 new representatives on my team by the end of April.  Setting a deadline helps you shoot for it by just knowing its there.  In the words of Zig Ziglar “You can’t hit a target you can’t see”.
  5. Share your goals only with people that you know will support and encourage you.

So let’s get started with our goals and make 2019 the best year ever!

Be sure to check out all the great current Brochures

Click here to view Campaign 03 Avon Brochure

Click here to view Avon Outlet Campaign 03

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Tips for Selling and Recruiting Avon Online

Avon and History - 130 Years Strong

Join The Avon Team Now!

As the Leader of the Avon Rising Star Team I am always proud of the accomplishments of my team!  Since we are spread out around the United States, I keep in touch with everyone for training, motivation, and recognition by phone support, email, texting, blogs or whatever works for the individual representative.  I am available to anyone who needs me every day for most anything you need.  I welcome new representatives and you can sign up to sell Avon by clicking here. Buy Avon Online Sign up to Sell Avon Online How to Sell Avon Online  

Click here to sign up to sell Avon and begin to build your business and make your dream come true.


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