Your Fortune in the Follow-Up

Good Morning,

To continue with the ideas we had yesterday, Sales & Recruiting 101, we are going to talk about follow-up.

I know that everyone has been putting out a zillion books and talking to at least 3 people every day about the Avon opportunity Smile.

Now you are home waiting for the phone to ring and wondering why no one is calling!  I’m sure at some point in time you have received a catalog in the mail, flipped through it and found a couple of things that you thought you would like to purchase.  Then you put it down to get on with your life and didn’t think about it again until one day you threw it out with yesterday’s trash.  This is where follow-up becomes crucial.

I can’t tell you the number of Representatives who have told me that their current order was “horrible” and that they were fixing to get on the phone.  And, of course, they pulled off a good order!  People have busy lives these days and unless we, as good representatives, are there to remind them, they will forget that there really were “several” things they needed or wanted from our brochure.

So when you give out a book, I always try to leave it somewhere that I can check back “just to see if there is anything they needed”.  If that is not possible, try to at least get a name and phone number, so that you can touch bases with them.

This personal connection with your customers and potential customers is one of the things that has made Avon a household word over the last 126 years.  Trust me, I do not consider myself an expert on this, but everything in the sales industry shows that this follow-up is imperative for continued sales.

Now to follow that thought into recruiting is a natural progression. Many times when you have offered the Avon opportunity to someone they are hesitant and need to think about it. Then you are unable to reach them by phone or they don’t return your call.  Is this because they don’t want to talk to you?  Possibly!  But then again, people are busy with their lives and sometimes the timing just isn’t right.  We don’t want to be obnoxious, but we don’t want to give up on someone who may want to do it, but just isn’t ready at this moment.

The person you don’t call back could be your next “SuperStar”.  Are you willing to take the chance of losing them because you forgot to follow-up?  While we don’t want to annoy people, we also don’t want them to think we don’t care enough to check back periodically.

I am sure that a lot of this today seems elementary to most of you, but I know that a lot of people do not take follow-up seriously.  I know I do, but I always have room for improvement.

I hope this has given you a little food for thought and maybe in some small way will help you to improve both your sales and recruiting.  I am so proud of everyone that is out there building their business and I am always here to try and help in any way I can.

Have a “WONDERFUL” Day!



Tips for Selling and Recruiting Avon Online

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As the Leader of the Avon Rising Star Team I am always proud of the accomplishments of my team!  Since we are spread out around the United States, I keep in touch with everyone for training, motivation, and recognition by phone support, email, texting, blogs or whatever works for the individual representative.  I am available to anyone who needs me every day for most anything you need.  I welcome new representatives and you can sign up to sell Avon by clicking here. Buy Avon Online Sign up to Sell Avon Online How to Sell Avon Online  

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