Tips for Avon Online Sales

  • Never Give UP – I know some of these tips sound silly and maybe self evident, but in online
    Be The Star You Were Meant to Be!!!

    Be The Star You Were Meant to Be!!!

    sales, as in any endeavor you must always keep your eye on the goal and never give up.  Too often we stop right before we reach our goal.  Building a good business and a great customer base takes time, whether face-to-face- or online.  Just know that your work and your efforts will pay off as long as you keep going.

  • Use your Avon eRepresentative website to it’s full advantage.  Avon provides you this website for free and it is a wonderful tool.  In addition to the social media ads they have, you can create your own blogs and be sure to link them to your estore and any other social media you are connected to.  Tip: If you haven’t signed up for others such as GooglePlus, Twitter, a Facebook Business Account, or Pinterest, now is the time to do it.  Be sure to update and customize your estore on a regular basis.  Even though Avon changes the brochure each campaign, you want customers to see new things when they visit.  You can also customize the main page with a message that includes shopping dates, coupon codes and for sure: How to Sign Up to Sell Avon Online.
  • Avon’s Social Media Center – Avon provides so much information, images, and videos that you can promote on social media.  They change these often so keep up with them and use them!  They also will link them to your Facebook page or pages you manage, Twitter, and Pinterest.  In order to be effective in time management, I recommend you use a site that will automate your posts (I personally use HootSuite).  With this you can set up the items you want to post on the days you want at the times you want. While you want to spend time marketing on social media, you are also wanting to sell and recruit to build your team.
  • Avon Codes and Free Shipping Offers – Avon coupon codes are great for online customers and can really help your sales.  You can find them in various places, including emails that Avon sends out, in your web office or campaign tools on your Avon website.  Keep up with them and post often!
  • Tips for Selling and Recruiting Avon Online

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    As the Leader of the Avon Rising Star Team I am always proud of the accomplishments of my team!  Since we are spread out around the United States, I keep in touch with everyone for training, motivation, and recognition by phone support, email, texting, blogs or whatever works for the individual representative.  I am available to anyone who needs me every day for most anything you need.  I welcome new representatives and you can sign up to sell Avon by clicking here. Buy Avon Online Sign up to Sell Avon Online How to Sell Avon Online  

    Click here to sign up to sell Avon and begin to build your business and make your dream come true.


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